Archive by author: Ron JohnsonReturn

I am an Honours Graduate (with distinction) of the University of Guelph with major areas of study being English & Psychology.

Other Credentials and Related Achievements:
  • Certificate - Teachers Teaching Online MOOC
  • Past treasurer of G.R.A.C.E. (Guelph Regional Association for Continuing Education)
  • Developed and delivered EFL (ESL) program for scientists and technicians at Agri-Food/ Agriculture Canada
  • Tutor since 1996 - individualized programs for students with a wide variety of needs
  • Experienced in working with A+ students as well as those who have been identified
         (ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Aspergers, Autism, Down's Syndrome, etc.)
Coping with Imposter Syndrome
At one time or another, many people who have had some level of success run up against the imposter syndrome. What is imposter syndrome?
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Stay Interested!
Often students ask how they can get interested or how they can stay interested. Despite what parents and some teachers believe, people do want to learn things – or at least they want to know things. By nature, humans are a curious species, always exploring and asking questions. They are constantly looking for something to explain the world around them.
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Good Study Habits
School is back full time! I know you are excited to do well. Here are some tips to get that learning engine started and to keep it going strong all year! When doing homework or studying, choose a place with good lighting, preferably with a firm chair and working surface, and where interruptions will be at a minimum.
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Persuasive Writing
At times, you will want (or need) to write a persuasive paragraph or essay. Many of the techniques and tips in previous blogs and videos apply to persuasive writing as well; however, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind for this specific task.
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Descriptive Writing
Often students are asked to complete a descriptive writing assignment. This might be a descriptive paragraph, story, or even an essay.
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Figurative Language Review
Let’s have a look at a few types of figurative language. You are probably aware that figurative language is used in poetry and fiction stories; however, figurative language creeps into news items, magazine stories, and even academic papers, too! (Note the previous sentence uses personification.)
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Two Simple Rules for Multiplying & Dividing Integers
When you see the words algebra, integers, or signed numbers, don’t panic. Mathematics is a wonderful subject that rewards you every time you use the rules. When you follow the steps accurately, you always arrive at the correct answer. So, don’t be afraid of algebra
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Creative Writing – How to Get Started
Here are some basic needs to begin your creative writing journey or to simply write a one-time creative story. This blog focuses on writing stories or novels. For most creative writing, you will want characters, setting, and plot.
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Improve Your Flow with Transitions
Coherence is one of the most important components of your writing. I would argue that it is of primary importance. If the reader cannot decipher your meaning, the article, essay, book report, or blog is weakened. One way that you can help your reader is to use transitions. Transitions are words or phrases that signal a connection between one idea and the next. These connections guide the reader from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. You can think of these words as the connect...
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Solving Algebraic Equations – Think Opposite!
When solving basic algebraic equations, always think “Do the opposite.”This means that you will be doing the opposite or inverse operation in order to move numbers across the equals sign.  Let’s have a look at a few examples. I have tried to show each step separately. As you become more proficient, several steps can be combined, but I wanted you to have as clear a picture as possible.To solve an algebraic equation, you need to find the value of the variable. The variable i...
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