Educational Quotations – Thoughts 2

Educational Quotations – Thoughts 2

The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg - not by smashing it.
Arnold Glasow – (author & humorist)

Does this bring an old adage or story to mind?

These two things popped into my mind: “Don’t count your chickens until they’re hatched” and the Aesop story “The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.”

The Aesop story has a more direct relationship to this week’s quotation.

Initially, I took this to mean that one needs to be patient with his or her students. Perhaps I saw it this way because I have taught for over 28 years. Believe me, patience is VERY helpful! (I’m sure some of my students would say they need patience with me sometimes.)

Students respond to patience rather than force. Also, students remember information longer if they are engaged and invested in some way rather than “made” to learn. Education should not suck the life out of the joy of learning.

Picture2On further thought, however, I realize that students or learners (which should be all of us, really) should take heed of this quotation as well.

When trying to learn something, take the necessary time and give the material your full attention and patience. Rushing or trying to cram the information into your memory rarely works; and, even when it does, it’s only short-term. Also, impatient learning is far less enjoyable!

If you are patient with yourself, and with the information you need to absorb, you will find the learning path much easier.

Be patient, keep learning, and keep having fun!

Oh, and don’t forget to let me know your thoughts.

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