Reading for Speed and Comprehension - The SQ3R Method
I already know how to read!
I hear this from students a LOT – often with a roll of their eyes.
Yes, you know how to read. You know how to decode words; and, hopefully, you have some comprehension that goes along with that reading.
Reading texts or textbooks is quite different – or should be.
You generally don’t read a menu in the same way as you read a novel or a comic book. There are different methods for different reading material.
Using a READING METHOD will not only help you remember the material but also, with practice, will speed up your studies!
I strongly recommend that you use the following method – or one very similar to help you.
The SQ3R Method (developed by Francis P. Robinson)
S – Survey
Q – Question
R – Read
R - Recite
R – Review
What's the big deal?
Here is the deal!
When you need to read a chapter from your textbook or online, take a few moments to survey the entire chapter. Look at pictures, headings, sub-headings, the chapter outline, chapter summary, and review questions. At this point you are simply familiarizing yourself with the chapter (or some other text).
Next, you will create questions for yourself from the headings and sub-headings. For example in a geology textbook, you might come across the sub-title “Cinder cones.” What are cinder cones? Later you see “Composite cones.” What are composite cones? What is the difference between cinder cones and composite cones?
Now you begin to read. This is the step most students begin with, so they have had no warm-up. Their brain "muscles" are coming in COLD! While reading, look for the answers to the questions you asked. You can also look for answers to any questions posed within the chapter. Now you are actively reading and engaging with the material. Most students begin reading and are generally reading passively. In other words, they aren’t getting much out of this first reading!
You can now recite the answers to your questions aloud (or “aloud” in your head if you are not able to speak in your study location). Also, this is a great time to write notes. Write down the questions you asked yourself, and then provide the responses in your own words. (Of course, you will use words and terms from the textbook as well. More about this in later blog.)
Review the material right away. After you finish the chapter, do a re-read of your notes. Do they make sense? Do you need to add something? Is everything going to be clear a week from now? If not- you DO need to add something to clarify. You might want to draw a diagram or provide some arrows to reveal connections or similarities, etc.
That would be so slow!
I agree that when you read the directions it seems like this method would take a long time. But looks can be deceiving. Taking some time “up front” will save a lot of time and frustration later.
Having surveyed, asked questions, and found the answers, you will already have learned far more than you would on a straight reading.
Taking notes, reciting, and reviewing will help solidify this knowledge.
Later, when you review your nightly notes and the week’s notes (revolving review) you will begin to see that you remember more and more even though you are reviewing quickly. When it comes time to do a quiz or test, your review time will be shorter, yet you will have far better recall.
Use a reading method, and you will receive higher grades!
Even better, you will have learned the material more fully. Next year, or next semester, will be even easier. Your “network” of knowledge will be stronger with more connections and deeper connections.
Feeling like a genius yet?
Well, maybe not – but you never know. Use a reading method, and you are at least on your way to achieving your best results ever.
Video: Reading for Speed & Comprehension – the SQ3R Method
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