Educational Quotations – Thoughts 6
How often do you hear comments like, “I’m no Einstein” or “It’s so easy for them?” “Education for Joe or Sally or Zane just comes naturally, and they don’t have to work at all!”  It is a common sentiment among students to think that other students seem to learn facts and concepts effortlessly. The idea that learning comes easily to someone else can be both disheartening and frustrating.
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Educational Quotations – Thoughts 5
I agree. Do not wait! Many people see education as something that is handed to them – a set of lessons, teachers, and materials all designed to impart knowledge. As Stephen Downes wisely points out, we need to move beyond this idea. This simple yet profound statement challenges the conventional understanding of learning, encouraging a more active, self-directed approach.
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Educational Quotations – Thoughts 4
This quotation is longer than the others we have discussed so far, but don’t worry – I’ll focus on just a few key points. First, many students stress about how much they have memorized, or, more often, how much they haven’t memorized.
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Educational Quotations – Thoughts 3
This is such a true and important quotation. It is unfortunate that some students receive the message – either directly or indirectly – that they cannot learn. We are all different people and we don’t do most things in exactly the same way. Why should learning be any different? Not every child is ready for the next step in reading or math or maturity at the same age. Yes, there are guidelines, but that’s all they are. 
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Educational Quotations – Thoughts 2
Does this bring an old adage or story to mind? These two things popped into my mind: “Don’t count your chickens until they’re hatched” and the Aesop story “The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.” The Aesop story has a more direct relationship to this week’s quotation.
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Educational Quotations – Thoughts 1
What do you think about this quotation? I think this quotation is very relevant to education. To truly learn, the student must take some responsibility, and teachers (read “teachers, parents, & tutors” here) must allow the students to do so. 
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It is Time!
Time to register for summer learning. Taking a couple of hours per week to refresh the brain and engage it in new learning, too, can make all the difference when going back to school in September. Avoiding the summer slide is not difficult, painful, or time-consuming.
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Keep the Peace at Homework Time
Create a safe and pleasant practice space This space should include the essentials required for completing homework tasks. In this way, no time is wasted searching for pencils, rulers, math sets, etc. A well-lit, quiet area with a good working surface is best. It does not need to be a whole room or anything fancy, the corner of a room will do.
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8 Tips to Ace Your Essay
Understand the assignment I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing the specifics of the assignment. Read any directions. Also pay attention to the teacher’s guidance. Be aware of the topic if one is provided. If you are to choose your own, check with the teacher to ensure that it is suitable. Be aware of the expected length and formatting of the task. Of course, not the deadline – but also plan for your research, rough draft, and editing times.
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Hiring a Tutor is a Sign of Strength
Some people feel that going to a tutor is admitting defeat or at least an admission that things are not going well. In a world where independence and self-sufficiency are celebrated, there is a misconception that seeking help is a sign of weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth when talking about education! Hiring a tutor is a bold declaration of strength and a commitment to personal growth.
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